If you are in immediate danger, please call 911.

Safe Harbour Program – Contact the hotline at (607)742-9629 if you or someone you know can answer “yes” to these questions:

Is someone telling you they have a way you can earn money fast?

Is someone you don’t know contacting you online and wanting to have private conversations?

Is someone messaging you online and asking if you’re alone and if you’ll send pictures of yourself?

Are you being told “I love you,” by someone who doesn’t know you very well?

Is someone threatening to show everyone pictures you’ve sent them so you’ll do what they want?

Are you forced to live in the same place as where you work?

Are you not allowed to talk with anyone, especially the police or anyone in authority?

Are you being forced to use drugs?

Have you been coached with prepared and practiced answers if someone asks you a question?

Is someone keeping your documents away from you, such as your ID, passport, or other identity documents?

Have you been hit or hurt by your boss or the person who controls your money or job?

Are you scared when approached by others?

Are you getting little or no pay for your work?

Are you under 18 years old and trading sex for money, food, or a place to stay?

Are you engaging in sexual acts for money against your will or out of fear?

Is someone threatening your or your family and friends to gain your compliance?

Our Counselor will:

Listen with empathy to help you plan for your future

Go with you to the hospital 24/7

Help you make a plan to stay safe

Discuss legal, medical and safe housing options with you

Contact the hotline at  (607)742-9629 to learn how we can help you make a plan to stay safe!

Safety Tips - Safe Harbour Program

Trust your judgment. If a situation/individual makes you uncomfortable, trust that feeling.

Keep all important documents and identification in your possession at all times.

Keep important numbers on your person at all times, including the number of someone you feel safe contacting if you are in trouble.

Make sure that you have a means of communication (cell phone, phone card), access to your bank account, and any medication that you might need with you at all times. Have an extra phone charger on you.

Document any unwanted contact by your trafficker (calls, texts, emails, showing up at your work/home) and save any voicemails/texts/emails that are threatening in nature.

Have a special signal (lights flicking on and off, code word, code text message, etc.) to use with a trusted friend/relative/neighbor to notify them that you are in danger or a person/situation is suspicious.

Safety Tips and other information provided by the National Human Trafficking Hotline

The National Human Trafficking Hotline is a toll-free hotline, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:


Support is provided in more than 200 languages.